None More Black vervangt Bigwig op Groezrock 2012

Toegevoegd op donderdag 2 februari 2012, 12:03
Laatste update donderdag 2 februari 2012, 12:03
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None More Black vervangt Bigwig op Groezrock 2012

Groezrock meldt zojuist dat Bigwig helaas heeft moeten afzeggen wegens een blessure bij gitarist/vocalist Tom Petta. De vervanger voor Bigwig is ook gelijk aangekondigd: None More Black.

"I'm sorry to inform that BIGWIG will not be able to tour during April due to an injury that needs unexpected additional surgery, attention and healing. We thank everyone involved and are very grateful for this invitation to share a stage with such amazing bands and friends. We love and support this fest and wish everyone the best of luck hoping we can join in future events and shows. The main goal at this point is to heal up properly and get back out to doing what we love in full force. Updates on progress will be posted. Cheers and hope to see you soon! -BW", zo luidt het statement van de band.


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